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Treatment For Nosema

The “Nosema Twins” : Part 5- Alternative Treatments

The “Nosema Twins” Part 5 Alternative Treatments and Prevention © Randy Oliver ScientificBeekeeping.com First Published in ABJ in April 2008 Update:  see https://scientificbeekeeping.com/field-trial-of-several-nosema-treatments/ The more I learn about CCD and other colony maladies, the more I am impressed by the fact that honey bees are currently dealing with a complex of novel parasites, pathogens, vectors, […]

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The “Nosema Twins” – Part 4 Treatment

The “Nosema Twins” Part 4 Treatment © Randy Oliver ScientificBeekeeping.com First Published in ABJ in March 2008 Beekeepers had a hard enough time dealing with Nosema apis. What can we do about N. ceranae? Unfortunately, we are currently not very far up the learning curve. The best we can do is to take what we […]

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Field Trial of Several Nosema Treatments

Field Trial of Several Nosema Treatments Progress Report by Randy Oliver ScientificBeekeeping.com First Published in ABJ in Oct. 2008 2023 Update There are several products on the market claiming to reduce nosema loads and improve colony health and performance. A recent compilation of lab and field studies has been published:  Evaluating the Efficacy of Common […]

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Nosema Ceranae: Additional Reports and Ramblings

Nosema Ceranae: Additional Reports and Ramblings Randy Oliver ScientificBeekeeping.com First Published in ABJ in Oct. 2008 Allow me to swap hats, and now speak to you as a beekeeper. As I was writing this article, I was asked similar questions by a number of beekeepers. Here they are, with answers to the best of my […]

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A Test of The Drench Method for Nosema

A Test of the “Drench” Method of Nosema Treatment Randy Oliver ScientificBeekeeping.com First Published in ABJ in Oct. 2008 In previous articles in this journal, I’ve summarized what we know about Nosema ceranae, its pathogenicity, detection, and treatment. I wondered whether N. ceranae would prove to be as virulent in North America as it appeared […]

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